From: Genealogical & Personal History of the
Upper Monongalia Valley, West Virginia
by Bernard L. Butcher, 1912

Submitted by Linda Fluharty

     HAYMOND - This has been a prominent family in West Virginia for many scores of years. This particular branch of the family tree will be considered in this connection, and includes the family heads: Luther, born 1809; Lee, born 1839; Dr. L. Haymond, of Clarksburg, born 1876.
     (I) Luther Haymond, born in Clarksburg, February 23, 1809, was only lacking three months of being a hundred years of age at the time of his death, December 23, 1908. He resided in the place in which he was born for all the century, and marked the wonderful transformation in the country's history and development. He was the pioneer county surveyor of the county in which he lived, from 1859 to 1895 was cashier of the Merchant's Bank, and was one of the largest landowners in Harrison county. He married (first) Delia Ann Moore, and they had nine children. He married (second), July 6, 1878, Mattie Gettings.
     (II) Major Lee Haymond, son of Luther and Delia Ann (Moore) Haymond, was born in Clarksburg, Virginia (now West Virginia), November 5, 1839, died April 12, 1899. He was cashier in the Merchant's Bank, having succeeded his father. Lee Haymond enlisted in the Union army in 1861, as a lieutenant in the Third West Virginia Cavalry Regiment, and was promoted to major, serving faithfully throughout the war. He was in many hard fought battles and was a prisoner of war for a long period, during which time he suffered many hardships at the hands of the Confederacy. He was appointed captain of the commissary department, in 1864, and was breveted major by the United States congress for services rendered in 1865. This but shows the patriotic spirit of the family and how this particular member was appreciated by his fellow-countryman. He was school commissioner twelve years and member of the city council of Clarksburg for the same time. He was commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic for West Virginia, and his son, Dr. Haymond, now has a gold medal which was presented to his father by the Grand Army of the Republic Department of West Virginia.      He married Susan M., daughter of James Y. Hornor, all natives of Clarksburg; she is now residing at that place. James Y. Hornor was born in Culpeper county, Virginia. Children: Ida, born September 8, 1872, now Mrs. M. S. Jarvis, whose husband is major of the Twenty-fourth United States Infantry, now in the Phillipines; Luther, of whom further.
     (III) Luther Haymond (2), M. D. of Clarksburg, son of Major Lee and Susan M. (Hornor) Haymond, was born October 4, 1876, at Clarksburg, West virginia. He obtained a good common school education, alater attending Broadus College, and in 1896 entered Jerrerson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and graduated in 1901. He immediately became a hospital steward in the Second West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. He went to Clarksburg in 1902 and commenced the practice of medicine, which he had continued up to the present time. Besides his professional interests, he owns a tailor shop in Clarksburg, and has just completed a fine residence in what is known as Hartland addition, on Hartland avenue. Politically Dr. Haymond is a Republican,while in church faith he is a Baptist. He holds membership in the Eagles and Elks fraternities. The old Haymond Hill (farm) Homestead is five miles southeast of Clarksburg, and there was where Dr. Haymond's grandfather was born. It is now owned jointly (one-third each) by Dr. Haymond and his two sisters.
     Dr. Haymond married, November 14, 1909, Mabel Zell, Atkinson, born in Philadelphia, October 30, 1881, daughter of R. Conrad Atkinson, a native of Philadelphia, born in 1853. He is the owner of the Morris hotel in his city. His wife was Emma (Zell) Atkinson, who died March 25, 1899, aged forty-two years.
