12th LOGO


Submitted by Elaine Muldrew



Resolution Adopted Honoring Memory of Recently Departed Members.
Colonel Curtis Speaks.

Wheeling Intelligencer, Wednesday, August 15, 1917

     The annual reunion of Company D, Twelfth West Virginia Volunteers, was held yesterday afternoon in the United Presbyterian church at Roney’s Point. Twelve of the old veterans were present, but on account of the inclement weather they were unable to go to Blayney’s grove, where the event was to have been held. Some of them were from distant parts of the country, and were very much pleased to be present and greet their old comrades of the days of the sixties.
     Three of them have answered the “Last Call” since last year’s reunion, and the twelve are the remnant of one of the scrappiest companies from this State. The recently deceased members of the company are Henry C. Hervey, James C. Pearson and Nathan Vanaman.
     The veterans greeted each other with great show of love and respect, and during the meeting which was held after the sumptuous dinner many were the moist eyes during the reading of the resolution and the deliverance of the different addresses.

The members of the company who were present at the reunion are as follows:
Daniel Maxwell, Triadelphia.
John L. Stamm, Wheeling.
W. M. Dunlap, West Alexander.
H. H. Parry, Bristoria, Pa.
W. F. Whitham, West Alexander.
J. H. Murray, Washington, Pa.
W. R. Hannah, West Alexander.
D. J. Frazier, West Alexander.
George W. Wildes, Letart, W.Va.
E. H. Rodgers, Booneville, Mo.
James Ray, Canton, O.
J. A. McNear, Wellsburg.

Col. Curtis Speaks.

     The meeting was opened by an address by W. F. Whiham of West Alexander, the president of the company, who introduced W. H. C. Curtis, who delivered an inspiring address, which was received with great applause. The address teemed with patriotism. Miss Maud Wharton of Elm Grove, an officer of the Tent of The Daughters of Veterans of that place, next explained the purpose of the order, and what it has done and followed with a reading entitled, “The Soldier’s Fete.”
     H. H. Parry, one of the veterans who came from his home at Bristoria, Pa. to attend the reunion was called on and made an interesting address. The next speaker was W. M. Dunlap of West Alexander, who stirred the people present when he compared the Civil war to the present war, and gave many interesting stories of the conflict of the 60’s.
     Mrs. Kelly Ice, formerly of this section and now of Washington, D.C. was present to greet the old veterans once more, and gave an interesting discription of the life in the National capitol, and recited various incidents of the big Confederate reunion in the place during the past year. She also talked on the work which is being done in that city for the comfort of the boys of today, who are encamped near that place. The reunion was brought to a close with a vote of thanks to the people of the United Presbyterian church, who threw the church open to the veterans for their get-to-gether meeting, and treated them royally.

A Memorium.

     A resolution was prepared by W. M. Dunlap of West Alexander, who read it during the meeting. It was an article devoted to the memory of the three members of the company who have passed away during the past year, and recited their various deeds and good comradeship.
     It follows:
     “We the surviving comrades of Company “D”, 12th West Virginia, Volunteers Infantry, of the great Civil War of 1861 to 65: as we assemble in our annual reunion on August 14th, 1917, at Blayney’s Grove, Ohio County, West Virginia, fifty-two years after our return from the scenes of war, to our peaceful homes, are again made to realize that the Great Reaper of time, and mankind that knows no defeat, has again been among us, and that our dwindling ranks has been further thinned by the calling from earth, to the great beyond, to join our much larger band of comrades that are assembling upon the other shore, of our faithful Comrades Henry C. Harvey, James C. Pierson and Nathan Vanaman, since last we met here, one year ago.
     “And as we are here assembled the lives of these comrades for the last fifty-five years seem to be passing, as it were in a great panoramic view before our eyes: we see them in the camp of the tented field, we see them on the weary march, and on the battle line as boys, and later in the great battle of life: and as we look upon this beautiful view of their lives, we are made to realize that men can serve as true and faithful soldiers in two great armies at one and the same time: that while they can offer up their full measure of devotion to their country upon the battle line, yet that they can at the same time so live and act as to be the means of helping to elevate mankind, that they can so live and discharge every duty to their family, their friends, neighbors and to mankind in general and their duty to their God.
     “The writer can only speak of these comrades as he had a perfect opportunity to know them: Comrade Vanaman, on account of sickness was sent to the hospital early in the period of his services to his country, and after partial recovery continued to discharge his duties away from his company: while Lieutenant Pierson, shortly after the war removed to the far west, where he resided the remainder of his life, thence we speak of them as we know them.
     “True soldiers know their comrades as no other men are known, we know them better than men know their business associates or employees, and we measure them as we see them in the camp, on the long and weary march, and on the firing line: and while we will not say that it is as important that a soldier discharge his full duty in one position as another, or that one position is more important than another: yet those of us who in these trying days were at the front, and on the firing line, learned to feel that if that great war was to come to a successful ending, it must be done by those on the firing line, and here during our years of service is where our comrades Henry C. Harvey, and James C. Pierson, were always found, no battle was fought without them: and if there is one thing more than another that is required to strengthen the courage of the soldiers, and to prepare him for heroic deeds, it is to know that your comrades will not leave you: that though you may not be able to see them at all times, yet you know that they are with you, and that they are doing their part, that they are cool and collected, prepared for the worst, to try to take care of themselves and of you: as a sample we see Harvey on the fifth day of June 1863 on the top of the Reble fortifications at Piedmont, Virginia where hundreds of rebles were refusing to leave the protection of that fortification, calling out, “look out Johnnies here we come right down on you like a thousand of brick”, these comrades on every march, in every skirmish or fight, always on duty, no shirking, no white feather with them: as such comrades we learned to trust and love them: and that trust and confidence was never betrayed: they were discharging every duty from scene of honor, and loyalty to their comrades and their county. Thus we knew them in time of war.
     “And as we have opportunity to watch the lives of Harvey, and Vanaman, at their homes, and on all occasions amid the greatest trials of this life, we see them displaying that same moral courage or even greater than was required in the excitement of battle: the question of right and justice being the great moving spirit with them: can we help our fellow men, can we lift them up, can we give them a new start in life, can we give them a hope for a higher life beyond? Thus living, they commanded the same confidence, and respect, and the same love of all their neighbors, friends and acquaintances, as they did their comrades in arms.
     “Therefore we here assembled today resolve that we shall ever feel it our duty to honor their memory for their truly great worth to their country, their comrades, their families, their friends, and to mankind: and that their lives are worthy of emulation by all living, and future generations: that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes and history of our Company, and that a copy of the same be sent to their families.”