12th LOGO


Named in the bio of his father, in Hardesty's History of Harrison County, W.Va.

     Rev. Aaron Vincent - son of Edward and Rebecca (Wisby) Vincent, married Ary, daughter of Jacob and HJannah (Lambert) Barnes, March 31, 1833. Both were born in what is now Marion county, Wewst Virginia, his birth August 24, 1812 and hers May 5, 1813. Her parents made their home in Harrison county in 1840, and for many years their swelling was a home for Methodist ministers, and religious services were held there. Lamberts Run in this county was named for the ancestors of Mrs. Vincent. Aaron Vincent came to this county in 1843. The family of Edward Vincent, father of Aaron, consisted of seven boys and seven girls. The children of Aaron Vincent are: M. Melinda (Barton), deceased; Marion T., lives in Clay district; J. Luther is a minister in Nebraska; John F., deceased; Sylvania A. (Gould), lives in Marion county; Melissa L., lives at home; Emma M. (Bowman), lives in Nebraska; Gordon B., deceased; Stephen L., lives in Clay district. Two daughters died in infancy. Jacob's family consisted of ten boys and six girls, of which one was a step-son, his wife being the widow of James Hull. J. L., son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Vincent, was a soldier of the civil war, serving three years as a member of Company G, 12th West Virginia Infantry, and was a prisoner in Libby and Belle Isle. James Barton, a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, served in the same regiment and company. The father of Aaron Vincent was a soldier of the 1812 war. He was also a local preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Aaron Vincent is a physician and farmer, and has been a local preacher in the Methodist Church since about 1849. At that time he was converted, and has labored in the ministerial field ever since. His postoffice address is Shinnston, Harrison county, West Virginia.